Monday 5 November 2018


Lost and Found ad is one of the most common type of advertisements that are published in the newspapers. Every newspaper be it a national daily or a regional newspaper provide ad space for such notices. Amar Ujala; a popular Hindi language news broadsheet offers ad space for Lost and Found notices. You will witness Lost and Found ads in Amar Ujala on a regular basis. People who have lost an essential or a precious article like jewellery, certificates, etc. usually publish such notices in the newspapers.

Amar Ujala ad booking online is one of the easiest and convenient ways of reserving your ad slot. If you have also lost something that holds significance to you, then book such notices and trace your missing article. Provide the details of the lost thing in your advert viz. Colour, size, look, etc. of the item that you have misplaced. Provide your contact number in the notice so that people can connect with you to inform you about the location of the article lost.

It is advisable that you make advert bookings in the local edition of any newspaper that you choose for a lost and found notice. You might wonder as to why local edition? Well, it is because the local edition of any newspaper and not just Amar Ujala will help you spread your information among the local population of an area. The local edition is thus helpful in tracing the missing article at a place where you lost it. There is no point publishing such a notice in different cities across the nation because it is of no use! Instead choose local editions of a couple of newspapers to get your notice published. For this you will have to choose the right ad package that will help you run your ad campaign successfully. Say for instance you want to make Amar Ujala ad booking for Delhi. Now for this you will have to choose the ad packages that are for Delhi and surrounding areas.

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